Monday, December 17, 2007

Light up the Darkness

!!!WARNING!!! this post contains spoilers for the movie I Am Legend- do not read if you have not seen the movie and are intending to

I am legend is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. It only confirmed my belief that Will Smith can make any movie worth seeing. For a large portion of the movie, Smith is acting alone on screen. You may think that this sounds boring, but wow, Will does an incredible job and I was glued to the screen. This guy is a stud. There is absolutley no other actor who could have made this movie work. As far as the movie goes it was a good plot with some undertoning meaningful threads. About my only critique was that Will's character gets angry at one point in the movie because he beleive's every person has died because of a virus. In his outburst he claims that there is no God. However, in other parts of the movie he admits that the virus is "our fault, not God's". At the end of the movie there are slight undertones suggesting that God orchestrated the survival of humanity.
It was incredible how Will portrayed what it would do to a human to have no contact with another human. It was eeire to see him inhabit a ghost town, which was New York City. Will draws you in and makes you feel as if the situations that he is going through are real. From the days of the Fresh Prince of Bel- Air till I Am Legend, he has proven that he is one of the best actors ever. Because of his incredible talent and the fact that he is my favorite actor, I will go see any movie that he does. Even if the movie looks like it would be stupid, he is the only guy that could make it work.
At the end of the movie Will's character, Robert Neville, end's up killing himself in order to save the human race. From the time the virus first started hitting, when billions of people were still alive, until the end of the movie, he is constantly trying to save the human race. He commits his life to it. To me, this paints a great picture. Christ gave His life in order to save the human race. That's not a film script, that's truth. Our lives should be dedicated to furthering Christ's kingdom and saving the human race. Christ has already made the way, we just have to spread the word. Christ's blood saved us. Interestingly enough, blood is what saves the human race in the Smith flick as well. Anyway, its so good I have already seen it twice and would gladly see it again. GO SEE I AM LEGEND!!!


Anonymous said...

i didnt know smitty made movies...

TaylorW said...

Thank for that WARNING > I almost read the post!!!!

Nonetheless, I will be seeing the movie soon - then I may go back and read what you wrote....

ha, shu - that was a close one! -Keep postin' bro...

Anonymous said...

Great review! I loved the movie. I noticed what I thought were unintentional Christian undertones also. I never realized the blood parallel! My favorite line has to be "Light up the darkness," which is the mission statement of every true follower of Christ.