Thursday, December 6, 2007

Things you're not suppossed to talk about

So, in my twenty years on this ball of ground and water that we call earth, I have learned that there are two things that you aren't "supposed" to talk about. Those things of course being religion and politics. Well I have talked about religion on this blog, so I view it as one down, one to go. The 2008 election will be the first time that I vote for the president of the United States. I just missed it, because of my age, the last go round. Identifying with conservative values and political ideals I find myself in the vast minority in the college atmosphere. However, this should give you peace of mind when you are in the minority on such issues in this atmosphere. If I had a nickel for every time I have heard evolution or encountered a liberal I would immediately drop out of school, use some of my money to buy food for the world, thus solving world hunger, and then burn money for fun until I died. There would still be left over money to provide for the whole braswell clan until the end of time. So, though I am probably considered a closed minded right wing extremist to most of the people that I encounter in my current environment, I am a conservative. Therefore, I absolutely do not want to see hilary clinton become president. That being said, I am not too thrilled with the republican frontrunners. I don't believe Giuliani or Romney. They are typical slickster politicians. Every other word out of Giuliani's mouth is New York and Romney will not answer a question with a straightforward answer. I am supporting Mike Huckabee. Before you say that I am just jumping on the bandwagon of the recent "Huckaboom", I have been a Huckabee supporter for awhile. I have been in favor of him and am pleased to see his recent surge in the polls. They dont let him talk much in the republican debates, but when he does talk I think he gives the clearest/best answers of anyone.I don't know everything about the guy so I may not support him later, but as of right now, I like what I am hearing and am supporting him. He is the strongest Christian running. When asked about whether or not the candidates believed every word of the Bible, Giuliani and Romney flopped. Huckabee gave a great answer and was clear that he believed the whole Bible. He also says that he wants to get rid of the IRS and put the 'fair- tax' in place. I don't know a lot about the fair tax, or how realistic it is to think he is going to bring down the IRS, but from the things I have heard it sounds like a good idea. I definitely like his thinking though as far as getting rid of the IRS. To me he seems like a good candidate. He doesn't have a lot of money or organization right now, but hopefully with his recent surge in the polls, those things will take care of themselves. He is the frontrunner in Iowa right now. I don't know if he actually has a chance to win the nomination, though I hope he will, but winning Iowa wouldn't hurt anything. Plus, he is endorsed by Chuck Norris.


Anonymous said...

haha i like the video.

i have to admit that i am not as "up-to-date" on the recent presidential dealings as i would like to be. i have done a little research on some of the candidates though and my initial reactions are fairly similar to yours. i guess this post is a wake-up call for me to get on top of this election!

Anonymous said...

I like how you didn't even capitalize hilary clinton. haha was that on purpose for effect? Or an accident?

Anonymous said...

"He's pushing the earth down..."

TaylorW said...

I'm not allowed to talk about politics.


Yes, Braswell - political issues are always a sensitive topic. However, anything goes in a blog post: especially a sweet video! Nice. While I am in the same boat as Adam (not knowing a lot about the peeps currently running) I do plan to start finding things out as time draws near for the election. One thing is for sure though I WILL NOT, NOR EVER vote for Hilary Clinton.
I just hope a stellar stud like good ol' ABE LINCOLN becomes president one day.

Stephen said...

actually t-flo... as unpopular as this is going to sound. if you do some research, lincoln may not have been all he's cracked up to be. the stories about him sure sound nice, but remember... the winners write history. but i understand the spirit of your comment

TaylorW said...

true, true...

SMITTY said...

In the straw polls of Iowa, Huckabee leads the top five Republican candidates in head-to-head polls. Meaning...Huckabee is leading McCain head-to-head, Huckabee is leading Guiliani head-to-head. so on and so forth.

Also, Hilary is losing in those head-to-head polls to both Obama and Edwards. But...Obama and Edwards are both leading every Republican.